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The reasons for uneven melt spraying of the cross cutting machine

The reason for the uneven weight and different hardness of the melt blown fabric in the cross cutting machine is that most melt blown fabrics are single row spinnerets, such as blocked holes in certain positions, abnormal processes, and uneven melt pressure.
The solution is as follows:
1. Use a needle 0.2-0.25 smaller than the spinneret to accurately pass through the hole at that position and clear the blockage of the melt.
2. Generally, the head of the melt blown mold can be adjusted with the air knife of the cross cutting machine. By adjusting the air knife, just like spunbond, the distribution of fiber filaments can be balanced by adjusting the air volume.
3. Due to the fact that the melt blown mold head is generally electrically heated and divided into dozens of separate internal control heating units, the heating units of the cross cutting machine can be adjusted separately to optimize the local adjustment of the melt pressure capacity and viscosity.
4. The uniformity of the lower ventilation can also be adjusted through the lower ventilation partition to adjust the fiber mesh layout.

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Record number: SuICPBei 19014110 Website construction: Wuxi Wangke
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