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Understand the function and control of the slitting machine

The function of the slitting machine is mainly to perform fixed length slitting on the entire roll or sheet of raw materials, such as plastic packaging materials, packaging cartons, steel plates, films, leather, wood chips, etc., all of which require fixed length slitting control. The cutting length can be set continuously. If there is an error in the actual cutting length, it is easier to calibrate it by setting parameters.
The slitting control of the slitting machine is mainly divided into two types: static and dynamic slitting. When the set length is accurately reached, the machine can be stopped accurately, and then static slitting can be carried out. After slitting, the machine can be restarted for operation. When the set length is reached, a cutting signal is sent out without stopping the machine, and the cutting machine dynamically cuts during material movement. The important performance indicators of fixed length slitting are slitting accuracy and good consistency of finished product length.
The cutting length can be continuously set, and if there is an error in the actual cutting length, it is easy to calibrate it by setting parameters. For the operation of the slitting machine, it can be set continuously, as well as dynamically and statically, and performance indicators are also important for slitting accuracy.

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